A good logo is one that effectively fulfills its intended purpose, which is to represent a brand, company, or organization in a way that is visually appealing, memorable, and communicates the right message. Here are key elements that make a logo good:

1. Simplicity: Good logos are often simple and uncluttered. They can be easily recognized and understood at a glance. Simple logos are more memorable and versatile, as they work well in various sizes and in different applications.

2. Memorability: A strong logo is memorable, making it easier for people to recall the brand it represents. It should leave a lasting impression and stand out in the minds of consumers.

3. Relevance: The design of a logo should be relevant to the brand it represents. It should convey the core values, mission, or characteristics of the company. Relevance ensures that the logo reinforces the brand's identity and message.

4. Uniqueness: A good logo is distinct and unique, helping the brand stand out in a competitive market. It should avoid clichés and similarities to other logos, ensuring that it doesn't get confused with other brands.

5. Versatility: Logos are used in various contexts, from business cards to billboards to digital media. A good logo should be versatile and look great in different sizes, color variations, and mediums.

6. Timelessness: While trends come and go, a great logo remains relevant for years or even decades. Avoiding overly trendy elements can help ensure the logo's longevity.

7. Appropriateness: The logo's style, colors, and design elements should be appropriate for the target audience and industry. What works for a children's toy company may not work for a law firm.

8. Consistency: Logos are a crucial part of a brand's visual identity. A good logo is consistent with other brand elements like fonts and colors, ensuring a cohesive and unified brand image.

9. Scalability: A good logo should look good whether it's small, like on a business card, or large, like on a billboard. It should maintain its clarity and impact when resized.

10. Time and Thought: Designing a good logo often requires time and thoughtful consideration. Rushed or poorly thought-out designs are less likely to result in an effective logo.

11. Feedback: Seeking feedback from stakeholders and potential customers can be invaluable. It can help identify what works and what doesn't in a logo design.

12. Professional Design: Often, hiring a professional graphic designer with expertise in logo design is a wise investment. They can bring their knowledge of design principles and branding to create a strong logo.

Ultimately, a good logo is one that resonates with the brand's identity and audience, is easily recognizable, and stands the test of time. It should be a visual representation of the brand's values and mission.